Local Outreach
Sharing Christ’s love with our neighbors

There are all sorts of ways individual members of Murray Presbyterian and the church as a whole are involved in meeting the needs of people in our community and sharing the message of Christ’s love. Opportunities to get plugged into mission and outreach efforts are always available!
Deacons Ministries: As the group responsible for the church’s ministry of “compassion, witness, and service” (Presbyterian Book of Order), the deacons oversee various forms of community outreach. These include providing Thanksgiving meals to families (on a referral basis) and coordinating an “angel tree” gift drive during the Christmas season.
Community Picnics at Tyson Park: In order to forge relationships with neighbors in our community, the church hosts picnics (and other events in the building) with food, games, and fellowship.
Creation Care: Various creation-care initiatives have been adopted to promote resource conservation and recycling. As part of this effort, volunteer from the church perform regular litter clean-ups along a stretch of Highway 1 that we have adopted.
SENCA Food Pantry: Non-perishable food items are collected in a shopping cart near the entrance to our building and distributed to families in need through this community agency.
Open Hearts Kitchen (First United Methodist Church, Plattsmouth): Murray Presbyterian supplies desserts for this ministry providing free meals for people who might be struggling to put food on their tables.
“You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. . . . Now that I’ve put you. . . on a light-stand–shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God. . . “ (Matthew 5:14, 16 The Message)